At this time, due to health concerns to our puppies and breeders and ongoing construction projects, King Swiss Acres has a LIMITED IN-PERSON VISITATION POLICY. In-person visitation will only be granted to potential adopters or have paid their $500 reservation deposit and will only be scheduled for the outside open rec area (within strict visitation hours), weather permitting. No inside the dog yard, kennel or personal housing space belonging to the breeder will be considered for in-person visitation.
Virtual visitation, or via video meeting (such as Facetime, Teams, Skype, Zoom, etc.) has a more liberal schedule and sessions are for 15 minutes maximum.
Should you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you.
King Swiss Acres of North Texas
Located in North Texas (rural D/FW metro)
25 miles NW of D/FW International Airport
(940) 648-0888 (Emails & texts are preferred)
Est: 2015